
Field Set


Compensation Package

Fields displayed in the Compensation Package section of the Vacancy Details edit page.

Employment Type

Fields displayed in the Employment Type section of the Vacancy Details edit page.

Hiring Manager Approval

Fields displayed to the Assigned Approver in the Vacancy approval process - typically the Authorising Manager - when they view an Action from the Actions list to approve a Vacancy.

Hiring Manager Details

Fields displayed to the Hiring Manager when they view a Vacancy through WX.

Hiring Manager List

Fields displayed to the Hiring Manager in the list of their Vacancies.

Internal Job Apply

Fields visible to an internal candidate viewing a vacancy through the Internal Portal. These fields are read only.

Not used in Sage People WX.

Internal Job List

Fields visible to an internal candidate on the list of jobs displayed on the Internal Portal. These fields are read only.

In Sage People WX: fields visible to an internal applicant on the View Details view for a Vacancy. If Internal Job List is empty, WX defaults to display the fields in the Job List Field Set

Job Apply

Fields visible to a candidate viewing a vacancy in a Candidate Portal. These fields are read only.

Job Description

Fields displayed in the Job Description section of the Vacancy Details edit page.

If you are using AI Matching the Job Description Field Set must include the Description and Key Responsibilities fields; AI Matching expects these two fields to be populated and fails if they are not.

Job List

Fields visible in the Job List section of a Candidate Portal. These fields are read only.

In Sage People WX: if the Internal Job List Field Set is empty, fields visible to an internal applicant on the View Details view for a Vacancy.

Key People

Fields displayed in the Key People section of the Vacancy Details edit page.

Requisition Details

Fields displayed for vacancy approval when using job requisition.

Requisition Edit

Fields visible on the vacancy edit page before vacancy approval when using job requisition.

Share As Edit

Use exclusively for custom key people roles assigned to a vacancy granted Edit level access to the Vacancy. For default key people roles replaced by the Sharing Access field on the New Hiring Team and Edit Hiring Team pages.

Share As Read

Use exclusively for custom key people roles assigned to a vacancy granted Read Only level access to the Vacancy. For default key people roles replaced by the Sharing Access field on the New Hiring Team and Edit Hiring Team pages.

Vacancy Details

The details visible on a vacancy page.

Vacancy Edit

Additional fields visible on the vacancy edit page.